Youth Interviews

The bishop or one of his counselors should interview each young man and young woman at least semiannually with at least one of those interviews being held by the bishop. Starting the year the youth turns 16, both interviews each year should be with the bishop if it is possible. (General Handbook 31.3.1)Interviews are an great teaching opportunity and can be a spiritual experience for the youth. Express your love for the youth. Encourage the youth to talk and take the time to listen carefully.

General Topics of Discussion

  • Growth of personal testimony of Heavenly Father, the mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the restored gospel.
  • Importance of sustaining the President of the Church and other general and local Church leaders.
  • Obeying the commandments:
    • Encourage regularly praying, studying the scriptures, honoring parents, and paying a full tithe.
    • Promote being modest in dress and action. Encourage abstaining from any kind of sexual activity including consuming any pornographic material.
    • Obeying the Word of Wisdom. Refrain from using illegal drugs and misusing other substances.
    • Discourage taking the name of the Lord in vain and the use other vulgar or degrading language.
    • Encourage attending all Church meetings including priesthood and sacrament meetings along with participating in Church activities and fulfilling any assignment given by leaders.
  • Relay the importance of ministering. Ask about their companion and those they minister. Encourage them to share a positive experience.
  • Emphasize the importance of living the standards in For the Strength of Youth and encourage progress in the Youth Personal Development Program.
  • Ensure that the youth understands the blessings of temple covenants and temple marriage. Review the requirements for receiving these blessings.
  • If the youth is of seminary age, emphasize the importance of regular seminary attendance and blessings that come from active participation.
  • When discussing moral cleanliness, adapt the discussion to the understanding of the youth. Ensure the discussion does not encourage curiosity or experimentation.

Young Men

  • Preparation for a full-time mission:
    • Prepare spiritually by being worthy, studying the gospel, and building a testimony
    • Prepare physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.
    • Be sensitive to the circumstances under which young men are honorably excused from full-time missionary service.
  • Emphasize the purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood.
  • For Priesthood Ordination, discuss the blessings of holding the Aaronic Priesthood and the duties of the office to which the young man will be ordained (D&C 20:46-60).

Young Women

  • Encourage young women to support young men in accepting mission calls.
  • Young women of eligible age who desire to serve a mission may do so, but they should not be pressured to serve.
  • Emphasize the importance of incorporating the Young Women values into their daily lives.